NipponUnderworld: Movement mechanic.

Movement is performed using the direction buttons dpad or whatever you wanna call it. Like in zillions of other games. It provides the directional movement of the player with a given speed and acceleration. In NipponUnderworld, acceleration is so high that it seems the character is using instant acceleration to reach its maximum speed. This is because in an action game like this we want maximum control, without dealing with the acceleration and inertia of nowadays games. In the other hand this speed sometimes is so high that makes really difficult handle the character when she’s surrounded by dozens of bullets. For this reason I introduced a speed modifier, which reduces the character speed by a given factor, allowing for a more precise control while navigating among the enemy bullets. FuetEngine Application_8 Holding an specific button the speed is multiplied by a factor, which slows down the movement. Once the button is released speed reaches it’s maximum value.
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